
4.9 ( 799 ratings )
Hälsa & Fitness Underhållning
Utvecklare: Michael Engelbrite
0.99 USD

WARNING! This is an extremely disgusting app!
People with weak constitutions should TURN AWAY NOW!

Its the most squirmy, crawly, disgusting experience you could imagine. Not only are maggots crawling all over your food, they are turning it into foul goo beyond description.

★ Tap a maggot to squish it.
★ Tap with several fingers for total maggot mayhem.
★ Flick a maggot to send it bouncing around the screen splattering other maggots as it goes.
★ Hold down on a maggot to make it scream and burst into a big puddle (urp, sorry I think I just threw up in my mouth a little) of goo.
★ Shake to send maggots bouncing around and smashing each other.
★ Tilt to slide all the maggots into a horrible squirming pile.
★ Eat maggots: Tilt to gather the maggots into a pile and put your iPod/iPhone to your mouth. Now tilt forward slightly (glass side down) to make the maggots slide down into your mouth!

★ Candy ★ Fries ★ Cake ★ Ice Cream ★
★ Chips ★ Pizza ★ Cookies ★ Chocolate ★
★ Brains ★ Alien Organs ★ Rot ★ Mucus ★

★ Enjoy the squishiness and general messing with disgusting little critters
★ Use as a DIET AID! Suppose you have a midnight craving for cake. Watch maggots turn cake into gross slop and you just might lose your appetite. This has not been scientifically tested - yada yada yada - but duh? Cake with maggots on it!
★ Find someone squeamish and enjoy watching them turn green. Remember to save the "eat maggots" for the grand finale.
★ Find a friend who wont share their food with you and show them the appropriate item being eaten by maggots. They just might lose their appetite and let you have it (the food, I mean).

The lonely, upside-down worm blows up real good.